Someday I will have my Chance... Always being Faithful

At times I think why haven't I had a relationship with a guy? Then I think again and I know why. It's because if someone asks and if I don't feel the same way then I say No. Another solution is that I have my bar so high that it is hard for a guy to even think about getting close to me. I scare them off before they get to know me. When will I have a chance? So many people around me have had many relationships.

When I am asked, "Have you ever had a boyfriend?" I answer "No I haven't... I just haven't had the chance. I mean I have been asked before it's just the ones who ask me, either are not right or I am just not feeling the same way." Also I have realized that it is very hard for me to forget someone that has already won my heart.I stay faithful to him even if he doesn't and that is my problem.

I don't know why I get this way but I just do. I am a girl that falls hard but I am also a girl that doesn't fall for someone foolish and disrespectful. My Mom says that I intimidate so many guys because of the way I think and the way I see things. It is true... Some times it is so hard to look ahead when I am always reminded of the one who has my heart.

Yeah, I meet so many guys but only a few have made me happy. It is funny how you can like someone yet they may not like you and when someone likes you, you might not like them. So when will two people like each other? I don't understand... Because I haven't had the opportunity to experience it. It is very hard for me and it seems so easy for others.

I will always be faithful as long as it feels right and if he does the same. I would like to have an opportunity to find someone and court him. Having a long relationship filled with faith and love. I don't want some fling... I want the real deal. So don't ever settle for someone less because one day GOD will bring someone into your life that will impact you so much.... Later, you won't be able to forget them and those memories will be replaying in your mind like your favorite movie.

Never allowing those memories to disappear from your hip holding on to it tight till finally you are given another chance to find someone new that will love you with all their heart. Don't give up hope because GOD has a plan... Your future spouse might be some where in this world waiting for you or might just be apart of your life right now. No one knows, Only God does.


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