Our World... Your World... My World
The world can be cold, dark and dangerous but it also could be warm, bright and welcoming. It's how we see our world and it's how we want our world to be. As people we get caught up in every day routines that we don't realize how beautiful the world is. The nature that surrounds us is breath-taking and we take our world for granted. Go ahead and trash it... Let your world be dark and dirty, but I want my world to be clean and brighter everyday when I awake. I see the world as a gift and everyday we are living is a challenge. How could we make the world a better place? How could we protect ourselves from harm without damaging the world of others? How do we become better? When I look up at the sky... I am reminded of him. It reminds me of the beauty of his smile, his amazing laugh that sings with the birds, and the sun radiating light upon his eyes, making them sparkle under the horizon. My world is you and everyone around me. Most importantly it reminds of my GOD whom I ...
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