It all ends with a Decision

We all have something to live for. We all have a mission. We all have a reason for the things we do but some times those reasons can turn into regrets. We shouldn't have regrets. Things happen for a reason at times we get frustrated knowing that there isn't much we could do. God created us to do everything to the best of our ability. I don't want to have regrets yet at times I do.

Do you want to have regrets? I have been through so much, seen so much but I have to keep my head held high and look ahead, don't look back. Even though those memories come strolling back. I look around me and I see crowds of people, all walking at their own pace but they all have one thing in common and that is finishing their journey. 

Time goes by so fast that we don't realize the choices we've made. Once you make a decision then that could change the future. God has your path written out in a novel, it is YOUR choice to finish it. He gives you nudges and makes you turn right instead of left. I believe that their is a purpose in the accommodations we choose to take.

Living with regrets and heartaches... Does not allow anyone to move forward rather staying behind a brick wall with no place to go. Some times people get caught up and they end up forgetting those that care about them so much. How could they just walk away? How could they just forget? Although people might come and go... But it is our decision to convince them to stay. What if every thing is said and done?

Then just let them go... If they were meant to be in your life, some where along the road, they will return. Regrets shouldn't be in this world yet it is present every move we take. I have regrets and at times I wish things could have been different. Look ahead, don't look back and if they say Goodbye, let them leave because you will find someone new that will never leave your side. 


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