What is the meaning of the word?

Is it passion? Is it conforming? Is is true? Is it unreal? No one will actually know the meaning because everyone uses the word too often. Many generations don't even know the meaning. At my age I am not even sure of the word love. Is Love the great never ending feeling God had toward us when he sacrificed himself for the forgiveness of sins? YES I am sure of that!

The words 'I love you' mean so little but is effective. Some believe the word love is pointless. Love should make you happy and make you strive to be a better person not someone you have been for the past years. "Love is patient, Love is kind, Love Never Fails and is never jealous. Love is pure..." 1Cor: 4-8

Love is Jesus! Many times people ask why do you wear a purity ring on your finger? and my answer is always the same. "I wear this ring because I made a promise to GOD that I will stay pure and try my hardest to be faithful to myself and him." Yeah there will be many obstacles I will face. But I believe that as long as I am with GOD that no one will bring me down and he will make me strong enough.

Now I realized that no guy will be worth it until I truly find someone that will love me for good and not for bad. Someone worth waiting for, someone who cares about me and wants the best for me. Not someone who thinks I am pretty and wants to go on and leaves it like that. I am not conforming with a guy that walks passed me as if I am nothing. I am GOD's princess and if you don't see that then there is the door.

"God won't place someone/something in your life that you can't handle." At times I feel like I scare guys away because of the way I think. I am Girl that knows what she wants. The WORLD IS LACKING gentlemen and modest women. I am a girl that dresses appropriately, I am a girl that respects herself and tries to be faithful to my GOD! All I can say is that LOVE is unconditional from parents and LOVE will not fail as long it is true.


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