Subtle Feeling

Is it weird that I still remember
The last movie we saw together,
The last meal we ate together,
The last time you said, 'I love you?'

My mind still remembers
The pitch of your voice.
It's more distant now, but it's there.
Your giggle tickling my neck.

My heart still remembers
The touch of your skin.
It's subtle, but it's there.
Your lips kissing my cheeks.

Is it weird that I still remember
The last time we went out on a real date,
The last time you came over,
The last time we argued?

My mind still remembers
The curve of your smile.
It's non-existent now, but it's there.
Your legs wrapping around my waist.

My heart still remembers
The window kisses.
It's something I wish I can get back.
Your nose dancing alongside mine.

Is it weird that I still remember
The last time I heard you play the piano,
The last time you played the guitar,
The last time you believed in us?

It's like my heart doesn't 
Want my mind to forget
The one person, I've loved 
All my life.

I've loved you since 
I was chubby and invisible.
I've loved you and 
Despised you at the same time.

I've always loved you and as I got older
That childish love grew into
A blossomed flower while at the same time 
Watching you not choose me

Over and over again.
Always picking a girl before me.
Watching you from the distance,
With a heavy heart.

I've loved you since
I watched you play 'Apologize' by
One Republic in the Auditorium.
With that gleam in your eye.

Is it weird that I still remember
The last show we watched together,
The last moment when there was 
Still love in your eyes?

It's like my mind doesn't
Allow my heart to forget 
The footprints left on my skin,
My first love.

I remember what we were and
I mourn what we could've been.


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