Just a Moment...

At this moment in my life I try to be the best as I can and yet I feel so invisible to everyone. I pass by many people, many glances and many smiles. I feel at times like no one knows my struggle and judge me by the way I hold my head up high. I am so tired of feeling like the world has dawned on me. Every slight of pain is an arousing feeling that creeps up. In this moment of my life I feel the need to scream because when it comes to friends... I am no one in their life. Just someone they met and pass me by... I know in my heart, that family is all I need. Then why do I feel a piece of me missing and hopeless? Ridiculed. Judged. Invisible.

No one understands how much I want for that one moment to come into my life. To actually feel loved... I see all these couples pass me by and I am just here alone in a dark surrounding with no one there to bring me light. I can't express much through speaking rather through the artistic ability of my words. Which sometimes sounds cheesy... What would life be like if we didn't have the ability to write down the words in which we would like to express? Nothing like how it is now.

Right Now, I have two paths leading me in one direction and one in the other. Should I follow my dream? Or should I follow something that is familiar? In life, I want to do so many things, take adventures and strive to be the person I want to be. But how do I get there? Many times taking a leap of faith is crazy but in the end it be worth it. I live day by day, waiting for my prince charming to find me but I have to come to realize that life is nothing like a fairy tale. Life isn't what it is described in books or pictured in movies, rather the opposite. 

So what was the point of this post? Was it just for me to vent out the feelings build up inside or is it to give you some sort of message? It could be both but I am going to say this. FOLLOW your dreams and don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something because in fact you are more than capable. If you are single just like I am... well find yourself and maybe write to your future spouse about the things that you are most excited about or even sad about. Remember things happen for a reason and GOD does not place an obstacle in your path if he knew you couldn't handle it. 

"God determines who walks into your life. It's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, who you refuse to let go." 

Also, people come into your life and leave, only to teach you a lesson... in order for you to become the person you need to be. 


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