Our Heart VS the Mind

What do we do when our minds say one thing and our heart another? Why is there a huge tug of war between the two? How do we know which is right? How do we follow the heart if the mind comes to so many conclusions? 

The mind is entitled to remind us of our precious memories but at times it reminds us of the most painful times. It chooses logic over reason or feeling. It chooses what it thinks is right rather than thinking of what makes us happy. The mind at times can control the heart... By the memories that are clouding our minds.

The Heart is the most powerful, most important and it describes the feeling of our satisfaction. It suffers when in pain, a burning sensation inside our chest which makes us feel a un-supportive feeling. The Heart also chooses whom to love... It doesn't fall for each person that crosses your path. Only certain people enter your heart and at times it is very hard for the heart to let them go.

The Mind thinks of the possible and the impossible.
The Heart feels a beautiful sensation and displays your satisfaction by a smile.

The Mind replays the most memorable memories and the worst which makes your heart doubt.
While the Heart is faithful, and wants to be with the one who has your heart, always thinking of the other person, rather than themselves and could love forever.

Just like God's love for us.


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